Saturday, 19 February 2011

finishing touches part 8

once you have got your leaves all painted and how you want them to be
mix a small puddle of Ultra marine Violet with Terra Verta
and add some more shadows where the leaves twist on blends ...........with clean water on brush blend out to a soft edge
leave to dry .............

little tip
if you have any lines you dont want ............. load your brush with clean water
then gently cover the area dont rub as you will move the colours around.
leave untill its bone dry your lines should have settled into a smooth wash

 its all finished Daffodil painting ready to frame.
 in the photo flower head looks more orange but i haven't done any more to it im not very good at photos sorry
i really hope you try this and have as much fun  trying out the step by steps as i have had sharing with you .

Happy Painting ............please remember its all down to practice and dont worry if you dont get it right first time
just try again.
hugs linda xxx
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